v2012.1 [Jul 31, 2012]
-[Update] Gecko engine (
-[Update] Webkit engine (20.0.1132.57)
-[Fix] The problem of exiting from full screen/desktop mode after modifying avant browser options settings
-[Fix] Typed address can't be recorded if unchecking the option Enable Auto-Complete for the Address Bar
-[Fix] Error box appearing at time of exiting Avant Browser
-[Fix][Gecko] Clearing records brought up the Firefox Safe Mode dialog box
-[Fix][Trident] Modifying Avant Browser Options caused Proxy>Connect directly to be checked again
-[Change] Set Chrome as the default rendering engine
-[Fix]Didn't recognize the environment variables in registry
-[Fix]Security warning problem when opening links from start>Favorites
-[Fix][Gecko]plugin_container crashed problem
-[Fix][Gecko]Avant crashed when playing some videos
-[Fix][Gecko]Autofill problem on certain page
-[Fix][Gecko]Downloader: Filename garbled in certain Website
-[Fix][Webkit]Avant crashed when exiting sleep mode
-[Fix][Gecko] Firefox.exe crashing problem aftering enabling silverlight
-[Fix][Webkit] For the same link,Avant Downloader can't pop up twice after canceling the first task.
-[Fix][Webkit] Searching via Address Bar failed.
-[Fix][Trident] Saving AutoFill dialog automatically popped up when loading a page
-[Fix] Avant Downloader can't detect videos on certain sites
-[Fix] The video on the page sometimes played in the background after clicking the full screen button on the video player.
v12.1 [Aug 30, 2012]
Avant Browser 2012 build 180, Released 8.10.2012
[Update] Webkit engine (21.0.1180.75)
[Fix] Ctrl+shift+Z opened the last closed page twice in some case
[Fix] Sometimes Avant Downloader can’t start up
[Fix][Trident] The not responding issue
[Fix][Gecko] Being unable to open pages issue
[Fix][Webkit] Avant Downloader is unable to get correct download file in some case
[Fix][Webkit] Adding Chrome extensions caused chrome.exe to crash
v11.9 [Mar 26, 2011]
[Fix]The input box in the Side Bar showed blurry letters when Aero theme turned on